
Research Tools

Gathering Resources

The following research tools will help you obtain books, journals, articles, and eBooks. The Library also provides resources to help with APA citation. Whatever your research need, we have resources to help you get started.

I’m Really Good At… (pdf)
Before you start your next project look over our I’m Really Good At… flyer to help you identify what’s going right, and what you might need help with.

Research Databases

We recommend graduate students use the Search Everything function on the Library homepage. If you prefer to search single databases, e.g., Academic Search Premier, ProQuest, Google Scholar, and ERIC, find links and suggestions on our dedicated Research Database Page.

Find Journals

If you have a citation and want to know if the Library has access to a particular journal,  we recommend using the Find Journals tab on the Library homepage search box. Pay attention to the date range, e.g., 01/01/2007 – present. If you see Bank Street Print Holdings 01/01/1986 – present it means we have the journal in print.

Find eBooks

You can find eBooks through the Library’s catalog, check:

  • Electronic Books under Collection,
  • or Website or downloadable under Format

And, through the Library’s homepage search box using the Search Everything tab, check:

  • Check eBooks under Apply filters
    • Click Filters (on your results page)
    • Check Source type > +More.
    • Select eBooks
    • And Apply filters.
  • Read your eBook online!

For more help see the Library’s eBook Research Guide.

Essential Resources

A Writer’s Handbook (pdf)
A very useful booklet for students to download and print. Contains information on how to format assignments and Integrative Master’s Projects (IMP). Also includes an APA primer.

A Guide to the Integrative Master’s Project (pdf)
Another very useful resource for students to download and print. Contains everything you need to know to get started on your IMP.

APA Citation Resources

A Bank Street requirement is that all assignments and IMPs should be referenced and cited according to APA (7th ed.). Visit our APA Citation Resources Page for more information. For further questions, email or swing by the reference desk and we will do our best to help you.

Interlibrary Loan Requests

Requests through EBSCO Discovery Service are easy to make. Look for “Request this item through interlibrary loan” links on database pages. If you have checked our catalog and would still like to request an item from another institution, email Library Director Kristin Freda.