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Ways to GIVE

  • Making a Gift

    Online: It’s easy and safe! Simply choose one of the funds from the list below:

    Mail a Check: Please make your check out to the address below. On the memo line, please indicate the fund you wish to support. Our mailing address is:

    Bank Street College of Education
    Development and Alumni Relations Office
    P.O. Box 250865
    New York, NY 10025-0047

    Honor Someone Special: A gift to Bank Street in honor of a student, teacher, or advisor is a wonderful way to commemorate a special occasion. Gifts may also be made in memory of a friend or loved one. Please provide information in the comments section (online) or include instructions with your check (by mail to the address above.) We will be certain to advise the honoree or family of the gift with the information you provide.

    Employee Matching Gift Programs: An easy way to increase the impact of your contribution is through employee matching gift programs. Many organizations have giving programs that match employee gifts to qualifying organizations. Learn more

    If you need further assistance, please email us at or contact Marcela Hahn, Vice President of Development, at 212-961-3324 or

  • Make a Gift of Securities

    The tax benefits of making a gift of appreciated securities held for more than a year is two-fold:

    Avoid capital-gains taxes and receive a charitable deduction for the transferred stock’s full market value.

    Transfers to our broker do not include the name of the donor.  For proper credit, please contact Marcela Hahn at 212-961-3324 and indicate the name of the stock you are giving, the number of shares, and to what fund you would like to give (e.g. The Bank Street Annual Fund, the Graduate School Annual Fund, or the School for Children Annual Fund).

    Broker Dealer Name: NFS
    DTC#: 0226
    100 Crosby Parkway KC1J
    Covington, KY 41015
    Account Name – Number: Bank Street College of Education – 636374252

    For more information and to assure that your gift is properly recognized and credited, please contact Marcela Hahn at 212-961-3324.

    Also note: The transfer of Mutual Funds is not DTC eligible. To make a gift of Mutual Funds, please contact our broker with the name of the fund and number of shares to obtain a brokerage account and full bin numbers. To guarantee your transfer of Mutual Funds for the end of the calendar year receipt, please make your transfer prior to December 1 of the year in which you require tax credit.

  • Donor Advised Funds

    A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a philanthropic giving vehicle like a charitable savings account. It provides an immediate tax benefit to you, and allows you to easily support Bank Street and other charities of your choice over time. Generally, you can invest cash and appreciated securities, as well as other assets that Bank Street may not be able to accept as a direct gift. To learn more about donating to Bank Street through a DAF, visit our webpage

  • Planned Giving

    Planned gifts, including bequests and life income gifts, are designed to help you meet your financial and charitable goals while supporting Bank Street in the long term. There are several ways to make a planned gift:

    Bank Street greatly encourages and appreciates such future gifts. Planned gifts to Bank Street are considered in our long-term financial planning. Please consult with your attorney or tax professional about what gift opportunity might best fit your situation. In appreciation of your planned gift, you will be recognized as a member of the Lucy Sprague Mitchell Society.

    For more information, contact Marcela Hahn at 212-961-3324 or

  • Endowments

    What is an endowment?

    An endowment is created when a donor gives a major gift, which is then invested in equities or bonds or other investment vehicles, and the income from the investment is available to spend each year by Bank Street for specific uses. Endowing a fund allows the principal to remain intact in perpetuity, thus ensuring the endowment provides a permanent source of funding for Bank Street. At present, that spending policy allows us to appropriate approximately 4% of the fund’s value to be used for the designated purpose of the endowed fund.

    Impact of starting an endowment

    The impact of our endowments is enormous for our students, faculty, staff, and stakeholders at Bank Street.  Currently, our endowments make an impact in numerous ways, depending on the original intent of the fund.  Our endowed funds support scholarships for students in the Family Center, School for Children, and Graduate School, professional development for faculty and staff, programs and events at Bank Street, teacher and artist residencies, and operating costs for the institution.

    How to create or support an endowment

    The minimum gift to establish an endowment fund at Bank Street is $50,000, which can be given in one gift or over several years. Endowment funds may be added to over time and by more than one donor. Higher minimums may be needed for specific purposes. If you are interested in starting an endowment or learning more about our endowed funds, please contact Marcela Hahn, Vice President of Development, at 212-961-3324 or

    How do we invest and use endowments?

    We pool our endowment funds together, invest actively through an advisor as monitored by the Board of Trustees, and spend according to the policy established by our Trustees. At present, that spending policy allows us to appropriate approximately 4% of the fund’s value to be used for the designated purpose. Importantly, the goal with endowments is that with time, the fund will grow as the investment gains exceed the spending rate, allowing for increased support that can offset the effect of inflation.

    Endowment Funds are governed by NYPMIFA, New York’s version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. This law dictates “prudent” (wise) investment and use of all endowment funds.

  • Foundation and Government Grants

    Foundations, corporations, donor-advised funds, and government agencies play an important role in furthering Bank Street’s mission. Our grant-making partners commit to improving the educational outcomes of children and their teachers through their generous support of strategic initiatives, projects, and scholarships.

    The Institutional Giving team works with grant-making organizations whose interests are aligned with Bank Street’s mission and work. Together we create meaningful partnerships that advance our mutual goals. Partnerships support the development of teachers and leaders who are experts in the education of children and adults; expand Bank Street’s impact in the communities we serve; and ensure the college’s financial stability. We also work with Bank Street faculty and programmatic staff to make new connections with grantmakers, prepare grant proposals, and manage grant awards.

    We welcome inquiries from foundations, corporations, and other grant-making organizations about Bank Street’s work. We are available to help you learn more about Bank Street, match your interests and giving goals with Bank Street initiatives, and arrange for you to meet with faculty and staff and visit programs. We strive to develop true partnerships that are collaborative and rewarding.

    We appreciate suggestions from staff, faculty, alumni, and friends on potential grant-making partnerships that can further our mission, including introductions to potential partners. We also like to hear from prospective non-profit partners that are interested in working with Bank Street on specific grant opportunities.

    To explore grant-making partnerships or to introduce Bank Street to potential partners, please contact Marcela Hahn at 212-961-3324.